Cheese Blintzes
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Posted by:jrt
This blintz recipe doesn’t involve rolling crepes so you might find it easier to make. Serve hot with extra sour cream, jam, homemade jam, or fresh fruit or berries.
1/2 cup softened butter
3 tbs. sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
1-1/4 cup flour
1 lb. cottage cheese, small curd
2 tbs. softened butter
1 egg
1 tbs. sour cream
1/2 tsp. salt
- Mix batter ingredients until smooth.
- Place half the batter in greased 9" x 9" oven baking pan.
- Mix filling ingredients and spread evenly over batter.
- Cover filling layer with remaining batter.
- Bake for 50 minutes at 350 degrees (F) until golden brown.
Reader Comments
Romina says...

Oh yum - I would have never thought of this one! Those sound so good. The kids would love to make these with me, they love to make nummy coteairns like this one. And we just made homemade flour tortilla shells for the first time last week, so this is perfect!!!~Amy
Jul 3, 2013 (report abuse)
Parmila says...
Hello what happened? I potsed a comment and it didn't go through!Just to say, you're making me feel very hungry, and I'm a long way from the places you buy your food I'm in Wales, UK! But I did have lox a few days ago nice!
Dec 3, 2015 (report abuse)