Sephardic Style Meatballs (Albondigas)
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Albondigas in Spanish refers to meatballs, though there are versions of Sephardic style matzah balls ... more

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means to shake it :-) Great morning Mizrachi dish, made from tomato and eggs. Great with Iraqi pi ... more

Boureketas with Potato Filling
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These savory bourekas are filled with potato and cheese and make a wonderful snack or appetizer. ... more

Boureketas with Spinach Filling
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These savory bourekas are filled with spinach cheese and make a wonderful snack or appetizer. ... more

Boureketas with Cheese Filling
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These savory bourekas are filled with cheese and make a wonderful snack or appetizer. The recipe cal ... more

Red Pepper Salad
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This sweet pepper salad has a hint of heat from the Hungarian peppers and crushed red peppers. You c ... more

Eggplant Baladi
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Easy way to serve a delicatessen eggplant ... more

Artichoke Dip
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Debbie Lyda
easy fast and fun ... more

Modern Day Gefilte Fish Recipe and Tutorial
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Gefilte fish ( poached fish quenelles) are great any time of the year! . Everyone loves my recipe! ... more

Passover Broccoli Knishes
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These are really yummy and cauliflower may be substituted although broccoli adds a nicer color. A gr ... more