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Kiss Tort (Meringue with fruit)

Ave. Rating is 3 (3 ratings)
Posted by:schocron

This is my grandmother's recipe and my father and uncle's favorite dessert. It is great, parve and low fat. It is so easy, great for the summer.

Serves: 8
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time:
1 hours
American Parve Dessert

  • Recipe
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6 egg whites
3 cups of sugar + more for fruit
1 tsp of vinegar
1 tsp of vanilla extract
3 cups of strawberries cut up with added sugar to taste
Parve whipped topping


  1. Chill bowl and beaters in freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. Apply margarine to all sides and bottom of 9 inch spring form; Add small amount of matza meal as well.
  3. Preheat oven to 275 degrees
  4. Separate 6 egg whites (do this one at a time in a separate bowl; if any trace of yolk gets in you MUST start over)
  5. Beat egg whites on medium high add sugar 1/3 of a cup at a time.
  6. When all sugar is added add vinegar and vanilla extract
  7. Take spatula and put egg white mixture in spring form.
  8. Bake for one hour.
  9. After tort cools, take knife and remove top layer of meringue, take parve whipped topping put whipped topping on tort, put strawberries all over and replace hard layer removed from cake.
  10. Enjoy!
aparadekto says...
Rating is

Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
Oct 27, 2010 (report abuse)

EC says...
Rating is

Opera browser works like a champ for me.
Oct 27, 2010 (report abuse)

Tal says...
Rating is 5

Everyone loved this dessert!
May 9, 2010 (report abuse)

Daveigh says...
Rating is 1

dulwichmum February 24, 2008 Darling M&T#,8;M30hank God you are back. OHMYGOD! I know, and anyhow (just a small point) but my behind is an exit not an entrance. How cheap is she?
May 16, 2016 (report abuse)

CR says...
Rating is 3

A favorite in my wife's family.
Apr 26, 2009 (report abuse)